Saturday, April 23, 2011

religious observance begs sabbatical.

today is saturday and i spent three hours early this morning getting a very expensive hair cut. i’m mildly convinced it cost so much because he spent forty minutes alone trying to detangle my hair. don’t worry, we tamed that bitch. and talked about coachella (obviously), thai and mexican food and how we could eat it every day, and 90s shows like catdog and bobby’s world.

i drank some coffee and listened to a lot of broken social scene like i was in high school again. i wondered how and where you are and if you ever got to where you wanted to.

people complain that there is no sun or heat in april in southern california on easter weekend. like, i should not be wearing a jean jacket and it shouldn’t be overcast and instead of overpriced coffee we should be getting overpriced iced coffee.

but you know what? it’s april. it’s not summer yet and broken social scene and overcast weather rather fit my mood these days.

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